Sunday, January 10, 2010

001. Introduction ❤

Those that know me know that I am in a constant state of desire. I am always lusting over a great new bag, that new makeup product, or a new top, and I have to admit that I am quite adept at acquiring these things. I've always, always had a way of getting what I want. I am a master at convincing anyone and everyone to do what I want, when I want, if I truly want them to. So naturally, I am most skilled at convincing myself. I will find a way to acquire whatever I'm coveting at the time, even if I have to save for months, borrow, or beg endlessly. Hence the name, Miss Acquisitive. I plan to use to this blog to post things I'm currently lusting over, things I buy, and reviews of these things. I am an extreme girly girl so my posts will revolve around makeup, beauty products, fashion, decor, etc.

To give you a bit of a background on me; I'm a 20 year old student at Texas A&M University. I am working on a BBA in Management, as well as a Certificate in International Business. I hope to open my own business one day, but have yet to work out the details. I was born and raised in central Texas, where I plan to remain for awhile. I have been dating the future (hopefully) Mr. Acquisitive for about four years now and he knows of my shopping addiction first hand. I have a yorkie named Summer, who has her own wardrobe and is, quite possibly, the most spoiled dog you'll ever meet. Other than that, I am a typical girl, who loves to shop!

With Love ❤,

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